Film Clebrities Twitting Super Star Mahesh babu a very happy birthday

Today the south super star Mahesh babu is celebrating his birthday.Film Clebrities Twitting Super Star Mahesh babu a very happy birthday

" @Actor_Siddharth Happy birthday to the uber cool Mahesh Babu! He’s definitely looking younger by the day…have a great year bro! @urstrulymahesh

Actor JIva : happy birthday to @urstrulyMahesh The actor n star I admire...

Daggupati Rana: Wishing the pretty @_Hansika and the prettier @urstrulyMahesh a very happy birthday. Have a grt fab year you two.

Rupa Vytla: Wishing the superstar and a superb human being @urstrulyMahesh a very happy superb b'day!!!!:)

Hero Ram: @ramsayz Wishing d pretty @_Hansika & d handsome @urstrulyMahesh a very happy b'day :)

Gopi Mohan; Happy birthday to our Dookudu Super Star "Mahesh Babu".Really its a great birthday year to him.2 Blockbusters & a happy father this year.:)


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