tell me please what i seeing

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Nature U scary!!!!
 It's pretty obvious what's going on here. Somebody just beat jumanji. Duh.
Patrick and SpongeBob pulled the secret plug.....ig:angelo_lace_up
Chuck Norris punched the bottom of the lake
Makes you wonder how much water did it pull down and where did it go
Blessed bean, there are a lot of illiterate ducks on here insulting the intelligence of others. The idiocy is astounding.
Yes, I know it says ducks. I certainly didn't mean ducks, but I'm a lazy duck, so I'm not changing it.

Thank you Stephanie Harley Delgado, I was searching for a sensible response. Now it makes sense; still, it's pretty powerful to pull all that debris down what seems to be such a small aperture.


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