Chhapaak Hindi Movie Review

Deepika Padukone latest movie Chhapaak released yesterday. Watch the some reivews of few people through Social Media.

#ChhapaakReview: A heart wrenching yet courageous story.Outstanding performances by @deepikapadukone ✌️and @masseysahib 👌Fantastic Direction of  @meghnagulzar
 👏 My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ #Chhapaak @mrigafilms  @foxstarhindi @punjabkesari  @navodaya_time

 The trends #NadeemKhan and #Rajesh on twitter today and so many literate & verified accounts tweeting about them proved that being well educated doesn't mean you are smart.
एक बैल के पीछे दूसरा बैल भागे जा र
सुधर जाओ बे 🙏😅
#Chhapaak #IStandwithDeepika  #ChhapaakReview

Peeping Moon: #ChhapaakReview:
"Deepika Padukone as acid attack survivor Malti will not bring tears in your eyes but will make you smile with pride." #Chhapaak

#ChhapakDekhoTapaakSe #Chappak #Chhapaak #ChhapaakFirstDayFirstShow #chhapaakreview  @deepikapadukone  nails it with a superlative restrained performance in
@meghnagulzar  's able direction Acid attack is a heinous crime that deserves a film of this scale @foxstarhindi

"Deepika Padukone as Malti in #Chhapaak  is a simultaneous portrait of pain and hope, fear and courage. She delivers a performance that will be remembered not just for its intent, but also for its nuances." -Zoom's first half #ChhapaakReview

15 minutes into #Chhapaak and we can easily say that #DeepikaPadukone has personified Malti in the true sense! Not a victim, but a warrior! @deepikapadukone
@masseysahib @meghnagulzar @atikachohan @foxstarhindi @_KaProductions

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