Switzerland Projected Country Flags onto Iconic Matter Horn Mountain

Switzerland has expressed his Solidarity with India for Fighting Against Novel Coronavirus Covid 19.

What a gesture: Switzerland projected 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇮🇳 flag (different days) onto Switzerland’s iconic #Matterhorn as a sign of solidarity in the fight against #COVID19.

They Projected Not only Indian Flag On Matterhorn in Switzerland Apls Mountains, They Projected, USA Flag, UK Flag, and some other countries who is fighting with Coronavirus.

Swiss light artist Gerry Hofstetter has been lighting up the 4,478-meter pyramidal peak straddling between Switzerland and Italy with spectacular displays of flags of different countries and messages of hope as part of a nightly series supporting the nations combating the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.

Thank you #Switzerland for being a steadfast partner of India and recognising India effort in fight against #Covid_19

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