Ileana De Cruz Heartfull Note for Late Sushanth Singh Rajput

Bollywood Actress Ileana De Cruz Posted a heartfull Note on her Instagram Account. Though Ileana and Sushanth Not Worked Together She Wrote a note.

"Spent the day in a heavy emotional haze...
Bawled my eyes out for hours...
I didn’t even know Sushant personally but this hit so close to home it affected me so deeply...
I can only send my deepest most heartfelt condolences to his family, friends, loved ones...I cannot imagine the pain you’re going through ♥️ There’s so much I want to say...we’re so misunderstood and I mean all of us as humans...we put on brave fronts when all we really want to do sometimes is to curl up and cry our hearts out..
We say we’re fine when we’re actually longing to scream out I’m drowning please help me...
We smile and laugh and toss aside the pain that’s eating us up on the inside...
And then when no ones looking we break we shatter we crumble we collapse... We are human. We are flawed.
It’s ok to not be ok.
It’s not ok to stay that way.
It’s not weakness to ask for help.
You are not alone.
I know that feeling all too well...
And I’m not here to preach... All I ask from all of you is to please please please be kind.
The world needs more of your kindness.
More of your empathy.
More of your love.
Even if you don’t understand, just be kind."

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