Bipasha Basu and Karan Veer Singh Announce Pregnency

 Former Bollywood beauty Bipasha Basu and her Husband Karan Singh announced their first pregnency. Both Done a maternity Photo shoot and posted into her Instagram.

She Wrote "A new time, a new phase, a new light adds another unique shade to our prism of life. Making us a little more whole than we used to be.

We began this life individually and then we met each other and from then we were two.

Too much love for only two, seemed a little unfair for us to see…so soon, we who once were two will now become three.

A creation manifested by our love, our baby will join us soon and add to our glee😄❤️

Thank you all, for your unconditional love, your prayers and good wishes as they are and will always be a part of us. Thank you for being a part of our lives and manifesting with us another beautiful life, our baby🙏

Durga Durga🙏"


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