World Of Mark Antony | Mark Antony From Today

#MarkAntony releasing Worldwide in Theaters from Tomorrow !!

The wait is over! 💥 Step into the extraordinary #WorldofMarkAntony,

now playing in theaters near you.

Grand Release In Entire Overseas With 599 + Location.

Hero Vishal took social media and Shared Mark Antony Posters. He Wrote,

After all the hardwork, blood, sweat, pain, injuries near to death experiences in the last one year, not just from me but from the entire team who belong to #WorldOfMarkAntony, we hav almost reached the d day sep 15th tomorrow to showcase an out of the box time travel gangster drama to  one and all worldwide. 

I always  believe in two god's. One above whom I went n surrendered myself and had a great darshan in tirupathi and the other god who I see time and again in theatres who hav blessed me n fuelled my journey for last 19 years as an actor. 

I am sure it will be worth each and every one s hard earned money spent to watch #MarkAntony from tom. Let the show begin from tomorrow.  God Bless.


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