Teaser Of #VickyKaushal’s #SamBahadur’ | Sam Bahadur Teaser Launch

Teaser Of Vicky Kaushal’s Sam Bahadur Is 1 Min 26 Sec Long, Will Launch On 13-October And Screen With India-Pakistan Match.

The much-anticipated #SamBahadur starring #VickyKaushal will reportedly have its teaser released on October 13.

Makers of #SamBahadur to launch the teaser on 13th October at an event in Mumbai.. #VickyKaushal along with #SanyaMalhotra, #FatimaSanaShaikh to attend!

#SamBahadur - Teaser of the film to be screened at the biggest event of the year - the #IndiaVsPak match on October 14th.. 

The teaser will be launched officially at Grand event in Mumbai on October 13th.

Reminder that #VickyKaushal will be promoting #SamBahadur in his Chaava look so we're getting a DOUBLE SERVE.

SAM BAHADUR was directed by #MeghnaGulzar


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