JIGAR THANDA DOUBLE X positive Reviews every Where

JIGAR THANDA DOUBLE X tamil film released today.

Lawrence Raghavendhra and SJ Surya are main lead roles.

. #JigarthandaDoublex getting homogeneous positive reviews congratulations dir , master especially MY fav 


 na This year belongs to you 💥💥 after Mark Antony JTxx scores more then 100c sure 💥🔥

#JigarthandaDoubleX First Half Review 🍿

- Plot..👍 A Spiritual Sequel of Part 1 (Similar Plot line)..⭐- Surprise Characterization for #SjSuriyah which was not revealed in the Trailer.. Subtle Performance from him..👌- Different Role for #RaghavaLawrence ..🤝- Production Values & Visuals were Superb..👌- Bit lengthy but Engaging & staging of scenes could've been more solid

- Interval Block..🔥

- Going good So far..👍

- Waiting to see How this drama is gonna take turns in the second half.

எல்லாரும் சொல்ற ஒரே கருத்து 

 - "எதிர்பார்த்ததை விட படம் பயங்கரமா இருக்கு" 👌

குடும்பத்தோட பார்க்க வேண்டிய அருமையான படம். எல்லாரும் மிரட்டியிருக்காங்க"


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