
Vishwak Sen today tweeted ‘Donkey egg em kadhu

The recent buzz surrounding the sale of the rights to the film "Mechanic Rocky" took an unexpected turn when actor Vishwak Sen dismissed the rumors in a colorful way, referring to them as ‘Donkey Egg.’ Vishwak's playful and dismissive comment suggests that there is no truth to the speculations about the film's rights being sold.

Vishwak Sen, known for his candid and straightforward demeanor, used the term 'Donkey Egg' to humorously debunk the circulating rumors, indicating that such claims are baseless and should not be taken seriously. This response has not only clarified the situation but also added a touch of levity, resonating with fans and followers.

This incident highlights the importance of verifying information from credible sources before jumping to conclusions, especially in the film industry, where rumors and speculations are common. Fans of Vishwak Sen and "Mechanic Rocky" can now rest assured that the rumors about the rights sale are just that – rumors.


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