
Janhvi Kapoor latest sun Kissed Photo


Bipasha Basu latest Maldives Vacation Photos


Anchor anasuya bharadwaj fired on Kota Srinivasa Rao


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Amitabh Dance with Kriti Sanon

 #AmitabhBachchan does a ballroom dance with the 'lady in red' #KritiSanon on KBC 13; remembers his college days! Smiling face with heart-shaped eyes

Nabha Natesh latest Photo Gallery

Nikki Galrani and Sunil Romantic Clip


Raashi Khanna Photo Shoot Behind the scene mess


Jaqueline Fernandez latest Photo Shoot


'Everyone's going to love what she's done' Devera Konda

 Vijay Deverakonda gushes over costar Ananya Panday; says, 'Everyone's going to love what she's done'

BollywoodLife caught up with the Vijay Deverakonda for an exclusive interview on all things Liger, and along with dropping a hint about the long awaited release date and facing Mike Tyson on screen, the Telugu cinema star reserved special praise for costar Ananya Panday

Liger, starring Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday has been mounted as a big pan-India film, and got way bigger when the mega-announcement was made that former boxing World Heavyweight Champion, Iron Mike Tyson, the man with several knockout victories in the ring against some of the toughest opponents, and arguably the most recognised boxer in the world after Muhammad Ali, would be joining the cast in an extended cameo, where he's slated to take on the lead star of Liger. BollywoodLife caught up with the Vijay Deverakonda for an exclusive interview on all things Liger, and along with dropping a hint about the long awaited release date and facing Mike Tyson on screen, the Telugu cinema star reserved special praise for costar Ananya Panday.

Tanishaa Mukerji with her Lovely Pet Dog


Freida Pinto Shared her baby bump Photo Shoot

 Bollywood and Hollywood Actress Freida Pinto Shared her baby bump Photo Shoot

Wow! What a year I have had and the growth and learning has been immense! I can't wait to walk into this new phase with peace, grace, gratitude and an open mind. My heart beats with love and anticipation for this new life.

Thank you to my community for the love, support and birthday wishes. 

Mouni Roy latest Instagram Clicks


Sonali Raut latest Instagram Photo


Aahana Kumra Halloween Feels


Anasuya Slams Kota Srinivasa rao Comments

 Veteran actor Kota Srinivas Rao’s remarks on various aspects of the film industry have created controversy.

In the latest interview, he also commented about actress Anasuya’s dressing style. He praised her performance. In the same breath, he continued making snide remarks about her skin show. 

Hurt Anasuya took to social media to slam the veteran actor.

“I just came across some comments made by a senior actor…it overwhelms me on how my choice of dressing is a matter of concern to this extent. Sad that someone of that experience made remarks so low,” he posted it on Twitter.

She further said that men should stop talking about women’s clothing or dictate what to wear. 

“So let me just clear the mist for you guys..all those who’ve been talking about what women should wear in the past or now..are only so weak & polluted in their heads that rather than teaching themselves to guide/control their sexual feelings or not fuelling their male chauvinism.. they imposed/impose these mindless dress codes on women... they slut shame women to cover their himbo thoughts... I want to believe today’s men are much more logical and brave and sensible and righteous .. please prove me right (sic),” she wrote. 

Anasuya regularly gets miffed with netizens who keep on asking her to wear ‘proper clothes’. 

Krithi Shetty appears in blue and green hued sleeveless top and Lehenga

 Krithi Shetty looks pretty in blue and green hued sleeveless top and Lehenga and a smile added several volts of electricity to her face.

The Uppena beauty has everything in her to loot the hearts of young men with her mere appearance.

With untied hair and a dupatta at her neck she looks vivacious. The knot at the back of her blouse is truly naughty.

On the work front Krithi Shetty is now busy with the films Shyam Singha Roy, Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali, Bangarraju and Macherla Niyojakavargam.

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